Take your website from GOOD to GREAT


It’s easy to take your website from good to great if you follow these guidelines:

Website Design: KISSmetrics says 93% of a consumers decision making process comes from the visual appearance of your website and Google’s Engineer’s say you have 400 milliseconds to make an impression, so make sure your website design is modern, updated, relevant and easy to use.

Usability / Accessibility: your website should be accessible from any device type such as a desktop computer to a laptop to mobile devices such as Smartphones or tablets. More than 1 billion people are using mobile devices as their primary Internet access & Google reports to having days where more than 50% of their trending search terms are generated from mobile devices.

Know your audience: who will be visiting your website? By understanding the goal of your audience, you can successfully drive them to the information they need and you want them to see. The goal is not to please everybody but to have your site direct specific visitors wherever they need to go.

Know your purpose: whether it’s to sell stuff, provide information or engage visitors through social media, having a purpose or a goal will drive your content strategy.

Provide useful content: a strong call-to-action that leads to useful or cool information can drive visitors to your (their) goal so be sure to include How-to videos or step-by-step instructions to common issues you or your customers encounter.

Sublime Creations can help you take your website from good to great! Contact us today for your FREE website usability and accessibility report.

Ruby Moon Designs

Sublime Creations is now Ruby Moon Designs!

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Whether you're envisioning a WordPress site, a DIY builder like Squarespace, or a Shopify storefront, our expert team is committed to bringing your vision to life with a stunning online presence.

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